The cacophony of crowds throng the colourful lands of the holy city, vibrant stalls and prayer flags adorn the carnival, as a strong smell of aromatics keeps filling the air. The river is always filled with devotees trying to take a dip, and the land is filled with pilgrims deep in their meditation- such is the atmosphere in any Kumbh Mela.

The next Kumbh Mela will be held in Haridwar in the year 2021, and the city is already in frenzy. The Maha Kumbh Mela is surely a spectacle that you cannot miss if you want to understand the essence of India.

While, this epic fair is one of the most joyous festivals to visit in India, there are somethings that you need to keep a check of so that your trip is all the more memorable. For tourists, especially, the Kumbh Mela can be quite an overwhelming experience, so strap on your seat belts and allow us to give you some tips on how to enjoy the Maha Kumbh Mela.

Tips To Enjoy The Haridwar Maha Kumbh

There are so many things that keep happening at the Kumbh Mela that it is easy to miss something. Kumbh Mela is as chaotic as an event can get, and often you end up missing the most amazing of the spectacle. So, here are some things you must keep a lookout for so that you can get the full authentic experience of the Maha Kumbh Mela

1. Read

If you do decide to visit the Maha Kumbh Mela then make sure you read up all about the Maha Kumbh Mela. Know the history and the significance of this spectacle. This will allow you to not only understand the carnival better but also, have a more immersive experience. Also, check the dates of the Mela, and other dates like bathing dates to plan your trip accordingly.

2. Look Out For The Sadhu

Kumbha Mela Naga Sadhu Shahi Snan

While on your journey through the chaotic paths at the Haridwar Kumbh Mela, you will encounter different kinds of sages/saints or sadhus. If you want to get the whole feel of the Kumbh Mela then you must know who these saints are and what do they signify:

  • Urdhwavahurs — Extremely staunch, you can recognize these saints by looking at their physical stature. They usually fast for spiritual reasons, and thus have extremely thin and weak body structures.
  • Kalpvasis — One of the most common sights in the Maha Kumbh Mela. These saints usually meditate, bath and perform other kinds of rituals. You will usually find them by the banks of the river.
  • Nagas — By far the most shocking one, the Nagas do not wear in clothes and cover their bodies with ash. They also have flowing long hair that adds to that look that they carry. They are the most photographed and also the most fascinating to watch in the Maha Kumbh Mela
  • Parivajakas — These saints will not speak at all. They have taken a vow of silence.
  • Shirshasinse — These sadhus always remain standing and never sit. They even sleep while standing and rest their heads on a vertical pole. Some of them even meditate while standing on their hands.

While these saints and sadhus might fascinate you, make sure you do not unnecessarily pester them with too many questions or repeated requests for photographs.

3. Know The Rituals

The Maha Kumbh Mela is an essential religious festival. Thus, you will be privy to several rituals that take place at the Mela. While these rituals are thrilling and exciting to watch, you should also know what they signify:

The most important ritual in the bath, that is sipping into the holy water on the most auspicious days. It is said that if you take a dip into the water at the given time and date at the Maha Kumbh Mela then all your sins will wash away and you will be free form the cycle of birth and rebirth. This ritual is so important that you will find devotees and pilgrims lining up to dive into the water from 3 am onwards.

Once the sun rises from its slumber, you will see different communities and types of saints moving towards the river. The Naga sadhus usually lead the procession and each of the groups tries to overshadow the other by performing different antics and rituals. This is truly a sight that will captivate you and make your trip to the Maha Kumbh Mela all the more exciting.

4. Some Safety Tips for Kumbh Mela

  1. The Mahal Kumbh Mela is one of the biggest events in India. It is attended by millions and millions of people. Thus, the accommodation becomes a grave issue if you plan on booking last minute. If you plan on going to the Mela then you must book hotels or any other staying options in advance.
  2. There is no point in packing a lot of things for the Kumbh Mela. Just carry some modest, a good pair of sneakers and loose clothes and you should be good to go. It can get quite hot, so make sure you pack summer clothes. Also, carry medicines all the time.
  3. Pre-plan your Kumbh Mela trip. The Haridwar Maha Kumbh Mela is extremely popular and millions of people will be assembling at Haridwar. So, if you have made up your mind to visit the Mela, then start planning a year prior. Look for hotels, choose your travel method and finalize your itinerary. Most of the good hotels start getting booked out extremely early. Kumbh Mela is not something that you can just spontaneously plan and go to. It requires a lot of planning and preparation.
  4. If you are traveling with kids then be extremely cautious. The place gets so crowded at times that you can lose track of your family members. So, if you do plan to travel with kids, then firstly decide a place where you and your kids will all meet in case you get separated from your kids. Secondly, ensure that you hold your kids’ hands all the time, and don’t let them stay away anywhere.
  5. Do not carry a lot of cash or any other valuables. It is pretty easy to lose gold jewelry and wallets in the crowd. Also, ensure that you are not showing off. Do not wear a thick gold chain, or display your latest iPad. Be extremely alert of your surroundings and keep a check on items like – jewelry, phone, tablets, and your wallet. You must also distribute your cash and not keep it all in the same place.
  6. The crowds at the Kumbh Mela can actually be an overwhelming experience for first-timers. So, make sure that you know where emergency facilities like- hospitals and police stations are located. It is not an uncommon situation to get lost or lose your phone and wallets at the Maha Kumbh Mela.
  7. Avoid keeping your wallet and phone in the back pocket. It is fairly easy for thieves to pickpocket you due to the hordes of people
  8. If you are carrying backpacks, then keep them locked as well. But a small lock and keep it zipped and locked. It can pretty easy in such crowds for someone to open your bag and steal whatever is inside the bag.

Sinchita is a student, who has always dabbled with a bit of writing here and there. She has always made herself look into things in a different way than others, which has allowed her to explore certain feelings and emotions which many cannot. She is a bold writer and believes in the saying, 'a pen is mightier than the sword'. She strongly believes that the writing should be so compelling that the writer feels that they are on a journey they read through the article. The writing must make the reader feel something, otherwise it pointless

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